Master the Push-up

Why should you do push-ups?
"No single movement simultaneously strengthens the chest, deltoids, lower back, and triceps quite as efficiently as the push-up," says Kurt Brungardt, author of The Complete Book of Shoulders and Arms.
When performing the excersises take at least two seconds to lower yourself down and two seconds to press yourself back up.
Perform each exercise for as many repetitions as you can, resting between 90 and 120 seconds in between sets. Do three sets of each exercise.
"the Classic" BASIC PUSH-UP (works your chest, shoulders, triceps)
**Slowly lower your body until your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Pause for 2 seconds, then push yourself back up. Repeats for as many repetitions as you can.
Variation: Beginners: Lower your body to the floor just like in the "classic" then put your knees on the floor for the return up. So it is: on your toes---lower to the floor---drop to your knees---then push your body up. This will help to build up muscles in you chest, shoulders and triceps. Do this everyday to failure and you WILL be able to do the "Classic" full push-up!