Joined Get Fit on January 5, 2007
Current Weight and Height 5'6 233
Goal weight 150
Rebecca's Plan:
I plan on cardio, mostly road biking, everyday, strength train 3 times a week. Watch what I eat. Hopefully be ready to compete in September in a Bike race, and a triathalon.
Do you need any help/advice from others?
It's nice to hear what others are doing, I also like training schedules.
Fitness Goal in 3 months....Lose 8-10 lbs a month. 30 lbs. total. Also, improve my cardio.
Fitness Goal in 6 months....Lose 30 lbs. Improve cardio and strength. Ride 80 miles a week on my bike.
Fitness Goal in 9 months....Continue to lose 30 lbs. Complete a century bike race, and a triathlon (sept). Run 7 miles a week.
Fitness Goal in 12 months...Continue to lose weight. Continue to bike and run....stay fit.
These are great goals. The Bike race and Triathlon are exciting goals. It will be great to hear about your progress and your race. I wil look into training schedules to post for Triathlons.
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